Roberta Mae Covington, 1937My Grandma, "
Mammaw", passed away recently and we had her memorial service today. We had a wonderful day
reminiscing and spending quality time with our family. My Dad asked me to speak on my immediate family's behalf and I wanted to share what I said and to record it here for
posterity's sake.
"This is a true story... I had a dream last week that it was today and we were sitting just as we are right now, the only difference was that
Mammaw's ghost was sitting right here in the front row, and she was heckling me! She cut me off during the middle of stories she didn't want told, and put in her two cents about what stories she did want me to tell. In my dream, she insisted that I tell the story about the time she
climbed out the window after getting a look at her blind date waiting below at the front door, apparently she wasn't impressed by what she saw. This is, by the way, also a true story.
This dream wasn't like
Mammaw for several reasons. She wasn't bossy, she never ever heckled me, and I know for certain that she did eventually grow out of judging people based on their appearances. The
Mammaw I remember was full of grace, kind and generous, proper, and elegant. She was a life long learner, had a love for music and fine art, and an
appreciation for creativity. She also smiled so easily, and wore one most of the time.
My favorite memories of
Mammaw are going to listen to the Phoenix Symphony, Yo Yo Ma in concert, art museums, and teaching me how to sew. I remember finding a small snake in her dining room when I was about eight, and running frantically to tell her. She calmly picked it up and took it outside. I was impressed! I thought, 'wow, my
Mammaw is one tough broad!' She made the flower girl dresses for my wedding and I remember the skill and care she took in creating them. I loved listening to her stories about attending the World's Fair in New York City with a sorority sister. And how many granddaughters can boast that their Grandma was once Miss
Portales, New Mexico?
We all have things that we remember most about my
Mammaw, and we simply cannot sum up her life in one short conversation. We can however, choose to live and carry ourselves with the same faith, grace, and kindness that she shared with us.
Mammaw passed away, my son asked if Pappy was driving
Mammaw to Heaven. I told him no, that Pappy wasn't driving her there, but I had peace assuring him that
Mammaw loved Jesus, and was indeed with Him in Heaven."

Roberta Mae Covington
April 21, 1920-August 19, 2009