I listed my goals for 2010 on New Year's Eve, with every intention of revisiting it halfway through the year to keep myself accountable, so here's the update:
Monday, May 24, 2010
Goals 2010 Revisited
Saturday, May 22, 2010
My New Gig
My secret dream was always to be a mom who got to stay at home with her kids. When I became a mom, that dream was so far off from reality, that I soon had to dismiss it completely, lest I be discontent with what God had provided for our life. Three years ago, I got the chance to teach part time, three days a week, rather than five days a week. I was thrilled, I felt completely blessed. Thanks so much Lord, for giving me more time with my own precious two, I prayed. With baby number three on the way, we decided to take a little (okay, maybe huge, but I'm not worried) leap of faith, and drop down to one income so I could stay home and be the full time mom and home-maker that I always yearned for deep down. Can I just say that I feel completely shocked and awed by how God provides, even "in this economy". We will make big sacrifices, financially... and perhaps won't be able to sock away a huge savings, but I am thrilled to be the mom I always hoped and prayed I could one day be. I do not take this job lightly, and I know that being a full time mom, and doing it to the best of my ability, is a big job. I'm up for the challenge. I was reminded last week at church of the old saying, "If Mamma ain't happy, ain't nobody happy". This is so true! It is my responsibility to set the tone for our day, remain calm, speak with love, use self-control, and teach my children through example how to respond to the unexpected... even the occasional jerk-o. I can't wait to see how God is going to use this new opportunity to change and bless our family!
Now I can check #1 off My List! :)
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Piggy Paints

By the way... I wasn't paid or compensated AT ALL for posting this!! I just really like Piggy Paints and wanted to share a healthier product for our little gals :)
Monday, May 3, 2010
My Moral Dilemma
To flush, or not to flush... that is the question. I am in full blown spring cleaning mode and nothing, nothing will get in my way. I am purging all unwanted items, and organizing any thing that doesn't get obliterated in the process. Well, unfortunately for the guppies and plecostomus that are Goofball's pets, they are on the chopping block. Why? That stupid, humongous fish tank that takes up a third of the entire floor space in his room. That tank is bound for the garage sale this Saturday. So why flush? There are simply no takers for these rabbits of the fish tank world. Seriously, new babies everyday... yowza. The plecostomus sucker fish on the other hand, is truly frightening to me. This guy is no less than 8 inches long and has the strength of a grown man ('s hand). I'm not sure I have the stomach to try to flush that thing. He would probably cling to the inside pipe and flourish for the next 5 years, growing to a freakish world record length and come back up the pipe at 3am to seek it's revenge on my backside. I shudder to even consider the possibilities. So he's a different story. Does Petsmart take in stray sucker fish? Maybe I could pack him up all cute like and leave him at the doorstep at opening time. They wouldn't turn him away would they? But then I would somehow have to manage to wrangle him out of the tank, which incites a whole new slew of fears. I really want nothing to do with him.
Then there's the very un-PETA-like option (as if the first option was pro-PETA), of digging a hole in our garden, then just tossing them in to die, albeit nourishing a very tasty cucumber plant in the process. I'm afraid this will lead to many a nightmare.
What's a mom to do? These guys have got to hit the road no later than Thursday. Dead fish walking (or swimming).