Monday, June 11, 2012

Shake the World

Okay, so here's the low down and dirty for our fundraising needs.

Preface:  I cringe a little at using this word in reference to myself.  It is such a loaded word and makes people act weird.  Also, because I know myself so well, it also sounds a bit fraudulent, as I am well aware of my spiritual shortcomings.

So, becoming "Missionaries" is an extremely humbling title to become.  We are leaving a lifestyle where we provided for ourselves financially.  And by "we", I mean Gary ;)  Gary's job pays our bills, feeds us, dresses us.  As of next month, we are at God's mercy.  We will no longer be gainfully employed, but will be living solely on the money that people have donated to support our family.  Missionaries like us are 100% financially supported by generous givers.  Don't for one second doubt the importance of that role in this whole circle.  We need to fundraise all money to move our family to Haiti, purchase the household items we need once we're there, to feed us, care for us if we are sick,  provide for us in every financial way.  In turn, our family is moving Haiti to love and serve others.

So here are the facts.

Haiti is expensive.  Yes, it is a third world country, and yes, things cost a lot there too.  After seeking counsel from missionaries who have gone before us, and are currently in Haiti, and much budget recalculation, we need approximately $5,000 a month in support.  Currently, we have about $3000/month pledged.

I have thought it too, when thinking about supporting others in the past... "I don't have a lot to give, therefore they don't need my measly amount."  Can I tell you on this side of things... there is no measly amount?   If every family at our church alone, donated $10 per month, we would be fully funded, and then some.  That is sacrificing two coffees a week.  Would you consider it?

All the information for online giving or mailing a check is over there on the right----->

You do not have to be affiliated with our church in any way to donate via online giving.  It can be a one time gift, or set up to give monthly.  Our church address is over there too, if you would rather send a check.  Either way, please specify "Haiti Missionaries" and you will receive a receipt for tax deduction purposes at the end of the year.

Don't fret, this blog will not be all about fundraising.  :)

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